2013年1月22日 星期二


    您好!本来给您的这封“邀请函”是打算放在第九十九个发的。按中国的风俗习惯或者典故:最重要的放在最后面,叫做“压轴”。但是今天,也就是2013年 1月22日,除了官方(平常负责我的国保)来劝导我“结婚不要搞的那么大”以外,我大姐也来电劝我“不要再写邀请函了”。这不得不让我回想起2007年被捕前我二姐来劝说我的情景……
    联系方式:手机13813950865 宅电:86+02585439600
    An Open Letter dated on July 15,2007
    Dear Mr. President Bush
    I am a reporter of US Boxun News Agency. And I was born in a family of CCCP Red Army Legend.
    I’ve longed serving the people and help them to maintain their rights as well as to disclose the corruption of the local government officials. As a result I have been persecuted by those corrupted guys. Miss Huang, who is in charge of Reporters without Borders, protested to the Chinese authority but they never even responded. On the contrary they started punishing me and my family members. They put me and my wife behind bars until now. My 11-yrs-old daughter is still missing. And we have no idea how long we have to stay in the jail.
    Though I am nearly 60yrs old I truly believe that my family is not the only one which has been prosecuted by the authority. We sincerely hope that you could inform the rough situation regarding those reporters with no party and political output while you have an interview with President Hu. Only in this way we may prospect our harmonized society as far as I am deeply concerned.
    PS: This letter is written in jail cells. 
    Best Regards
    Sun Lin


